As an inexperienced archer, you’ve probably heard a lot about crossbows. You might have even used them while hunting a couple of times.

However, do you know what a crossbow bolt is? Can you identify the most critical parts of this weapon? Understanding what parts are essential and how it differs from a crossbow arrow helps you improve your shooting accuracy. So in this article, we’ll explain what a crossbow bolt is and how you can choose the best one for hunting

A modern crossbow and its bolt

What is a Crossbow Bolt?

A crossbow bolt is a sort of small projectile designed for crossbows. They are usually thicker and shorter than arrows but serve the same function – penetrating an object or animal.

What’s the Difference between Bolts and Arrows?

Although most people use them interchangeably because they look similar, there are still subtle technical differences. For one, bolts are only used with a crossbow – not even with an original bow. Secondly, bolts don’t have any support vanes like an arrow.

There’s also a difference in size and width. Crossbow bolts are usually shorter than arrows, with a length between 16-22 inches. If you’re confused about what length to get, you don’t have to worry, as you’d see the recommended bolt length on your crossbow manual.

Crossbow bolts are also a lot heavier when compared to regular arrows. So the next time you want to interchange both projectiles, remember that they are much more different than they seem. A crossbow bolt will also not work for a compound bow. 

Key Features and Parts of a Crossbow Bolt

A crossbow bolt consists of four vital parts – the fletching, nocks, shaft, and arrowhead, also known as the point.

1. Fletching

The fletching is the feather-looking part located at the back of the bolt, just at the end of the shaft. They are also often referred to as ‘vanes.’ Depending on the manufacturer, it could be made of feathers, rubber, or plastic.

The primary goal of this part is to ensure that the bolt stays on course during a flight. Once you shoot a crossbow bolt, it typically spins, thanks to the fletching, because spinning ensures it is stable and doesn’t move from side to side.

Like most of the other parts, they also come in different lengths. But you may not worry about what type to get. Aside from the fact that your crossbow bolts will come with their fletchings, you can determine what length to get by opting for one that corresponds with your shaft.

2. Nocks

A crossbow nock is a carved piece you can find at the back of the shaft. It’s located just after the fletching. Depending on the manufacturer, this part could either be plastic or aluminum.

The goal of the nock is to ensure that the entire bolt stays in place as you prepare to shoot. Now the different types of nocks determine how you set up your bowstring. The difference is at the tail tip of the nock. They could either be a half-moon or a flat nock.

To know what type to use for your bolt, we recommend you check with the manufacturer. They’ll often tell you what kind of nock to purchase, and you can keep that in mind when you need to get one.

3. Arrow Head

The arrowhead also referred to as the point, is the pointy sharp tip in the front of the bolt. It is the part that penetrates your target. Now because of the different needs archers have, there are two different types of arrowheads;

Field points: These are bolt-like heads primarily used for target practice. Since the edges are flat and blunt, they cannot penetrate anything. This makes them unsuitable for hunting.

Broadheads: Broadheads are sharp penetrable points you can use for hunting. There are also three types of broadheads based on their blades.

The first is the fixed blade which is non-detachable. The removable blades can be detached and replaced whenever they are due for a change. In contrast, the expandable blade opens up when it hits the target. This blade often creates the most damaging impact.

4. Shaft

The final part of your crossbow bolt is the shaft. Also referred to as the body. This is where all other parts of the bolt we’ve mentioned are attached. Again depending on the manufacturer, it could be made from carbon fiber or aluminum alloy. In some cases, it’s made out of both.

The difference between bolt shafts is how stiff they can get. The stiffness of a shaft is often referred to as its spine, and it impacts whether or not a bolt will bend. So the more spine a shaft has, the more unlikely the bolt will bend.

There’s also a difference in the weight of a shaft. And since other parts will depend on it, you want to ensure it’s not too light or heavy. So always ask your bolt manufacturer about the size to get. Shafts are measured in grains, so whatever figure they give you should be in this unit.

How to Choose the Best Bolts for Hunting

Now that you know what a crossbow bolt is and what parts it consists of, how do you get the best bolt for hunting? Here are a few tips;

1. Get a trustworthy manufacturer

If your manufacturer designs quality bolts with the best materials, you can be sure they’ll serve you for a long time. Since you’d also be calling them for insights on what size or type of part to get, they need to be reliable.

So to do this, look through customer reviews and see how satisfied their customers are. You also want to look out for a manufacturer with many verifiable purchases.

2. Get expandable arrowheads

Since they make the most impact while hunting, you’d want to take down an animal fast, so you should get expandable heads. If you can’t find any, maybe opt for a fixed head. But detachable heads can be tricky over time, especially when they are due for a change. So we don’t recommend this.

3. Choose the right bolt diameter

Although the diameter depends on the size of your crossbow, you can get either the 6mm, 6.5mm, or 7mm bolt diameter. 6.5mms are usually perfect for hunting because they are light and much more stable. So with it, you’re assured of staying on course and hitting your target immediately.

4. Create a reasonable budget

Your budget should be influenced by the number of good ratings it gets and the brand’s quality. You typically want something durable and highly effective. So while you can get bolts from anywhere between $10-$100, do a ton of research and stick with the average.

Wrapping Up

Getting the right crossbow bolt helps you improve your accuracy during hunting. Over time, you might need to change specific bolt parts, like getting new arrowheads. So ensure you always stick to your manufacturer’s recommendation. For example, getting lighter arrowheads than recommended will negatively impact your FPS.

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