No doubt, crossbows have been around for a long time. The existence of crossbows stretches as far back as the time of ancient Greek and Rome. They were powerful weapons with loads of advantages. Nowadays, crossbows are primarily used for hunting, and they have distinguished themselves from other alternatives like guns, especially for their stealth advantage and simplicity.

Now, to the question: “is a crossbow better than a gun for hunting?” The answer depends on preference and style of hunting. But to help you understand better, here are the pros and cons of using a crossbow vs. a gun for hunting:

A crossbow
A crossbow with an arrow
A hunting Rifle
A Hunting rifle with optical sight


Anyone looking to get a firearm must consider the cost of bullets which comes in different metals and prices. Cartridges must be purchased in other to use the gun. As for crossbows, apart from being pocket-friendly compared to guns and bullets, the quarrels can be homemade to save the cost of hunting with a crossbow. Keep in mind that this requires some strong woodworking skills.


This is where it gets to the hunting style. Crossbow hunting is suited for short-range hunting of animals, especially for non-predatory animals (like deer). Hunting a predatory animal (like a bear) with a crossbow in close range might be disadvantageous, especially to beginner crossbow hunters who are yet to be perfect at stacking the quarry quickly and quietly. A gun, in this case, might be preferred as it can shoot a long range and it’s quicker to load.


Both crossbows and guns are accurate. A crossbow is an upgrade to traditional and compound bows; it has a better aim and is as precise as a gun. Also, it requires much less practice time than a gun.


Crossbows generally take longer to load after losing an arrow. This can be a significant downside if the prey is unanticipated. Sometimes, a chance for a perfect shot might occur briefly and unexpectedly. Also, in cases where the first shot is not enough to take down the prey, a crossbow hunter has a higher chance of losing the animal than a firearm hunter. Reloading time for a crossbow will take some time (depending on the speed and experience of the hunter), but it’s often unrequired for a gun hunter as long as there are still bullets left in the gun.


 This is the most significant advantage of holding a crossbow over a gun. Crossbows are perfect for stealth hunting. You don’t have the loud reverberation of a firearm that could alert all the other animals in your vicinity. It’s quick and silent and presents the opportunity to take down another animal in the area.


Crossbows have many moving components that are exposed and can break over time depending on the handling of the users. In this case, a gun is better.

Recoil Velocity

The force that pushes you in the opposite direction of the bullet when a gun is shot is very high. The bigger the weapon, the stronger the recoil velocity. Crossbows have a nearly nonexistent recoil velocity. You can afford to be careless with your stand when shooting with a crossbow.

Weight and Size

Crossbows are lighter and easier to carry around, especially for a hunter who needs to hike a long distance to find a perfect hunting spot. Crossbows can be dissembled to take around easily. Hunting guns, however, is heavier and harder to transport (don’t forget you need a firearm license too).


With adequate care, misfiring can be avoided with Crossbows and firearms, but the chance of it occurring for a gun is lower than for a crossbow. A cocked crossbow can still cause injury even without being loaded.

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